Saturday, February 26, 2011


Passion: (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

a (1) : emotion (2) plural : the emotions as distinguished from reason
b : intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction
c :a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept
d :an object of desire or deep interest

Today I was discussing with my friend what we are passionate about. I said people, in the broad sense. He asked me what I meant when I said I was passionate about people. He believes that passion is an extremely strong word. He added that he has only met a few passionate people in his life and all were willing to go to great lengths for their passion. This was my reply:

"I mean that people, in their complexity and chemical make up, and their everyday lives have a lot to offer. And I want to help people. Sick people. Healthy people, etc. And I want to encourage others and go to places where others don't want to go to help them. I want to go to the slums and the violent broken places of the world to help them. I want to be the person who actually sees patients as people instead of just an illness or a pay check. I'm cleaning nasty toilets to be able to go to school to do just this. And I absolutely know it is 100% worth it."

So yes, I believe passion is the correct word for it. I am passionate about people. I am passionate about the life that people have and what they can potentially do with it if they are healthy.

As for the lengths I am willing to go, I am working as a custodian so I can return to school to become this woman who can help. I live across the country from my parents and have not seen either in almost two years. I listen to medical and educational and inspiring pod-casts during my work hours so that I can create a foundation to build upon for my future patients. I talk to people all around me, learning about who they are, what they want to be, how they came to be because I like people. I want to learn about people.

Passion. Yes, I have it. I want to share it.

(P.S. My friend believes me. He trusts my use of the word passion =))

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