Tuesday, December 13, 2011

10 weeks later

After ten grueling weeks of waking up early after going to bed post-2-am work, I finally have a break... NOT. I am starting an even more grueling routine that includes a mega workout each day until Feb. 4. I am testing to join the fire department and need to pass the physical aspect of the test!

I want to take a phlebotomy class but it costs 1500$... I don't even have 100$ extra right now! Thankfully Elaine and Dad are giving me my personal trainer for Christmas (150$) but even with the help, I am not going to be able to afford a phlebotomy class. I have too many bills to pay.

On the bright side I am going to be taking two classes at Eastern and working out as much as i breathe and I will start feeling better. The busier I am the happier I am :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Class starts next week!

I officially start my EMT B course next week. I've been reading the textbook for awhile now and I hope that I have a pretty good grip on the material and the class will be a little easier since I have read some of the text. I am nervous to be taking it at the fire station where my boyfriend works since there will be firefighters that he will be working with in the class and I don't want the people to be all "oh that's Ben's girlfriend, blah blah blah". Mostly I just don't want HIM to get the pressure of it either.

The chipmunk died, by the way.

All the roommates are moved in now. They are really great girls. It is the complete opposite of the way that it was last year. I rarely wanted to come home because of the way that I felt that I was being judged by all of the girls that I lived with and that they were going to say snide things.
This year I feel like there is honesty with these girls. I feel like there is real love and that it is a nurturing environment. I will grow this year in this environment. It is grand. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I found a chipmunk!

Well, my coworkers did. It was in the main public room that we use here for large functions. They went in to clean in and the chipmunk was laying on the rug, not moving. It's eyes were still closed and it was breathing so I took it and put in in a bucket with some warm cloths. I hope it lives!
Ben bought some pedialyte and a dropper to feed it and i looked up how to care for the little bugger online.
Tomorrow I hope to be able to take it to vet or release it into the wild soon!
It's a cute little thing!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why does stuff make me feel like I have grown up?

Since moving into my new apartment/duplex I have acquired permanent furniture. I have a nice table, a futon/couch, a nice coffee table, a king size bed, and two nice dressers in addition to my kitchen stuff.

Why does this make me feel like more of an adult? Owning my own things makes me feel independent and like I could handle things on my own. I feel empowered knowing that the table in my kitchen is actually mine, not borrowed from another roommate or temporarily placed in my kitchen until someone moves out.

I have been jealous for years of the people that I know that actually do own their own stuff. Who have items that will follow them into their next apartments or into there marriages. And now that I have my own things, I feel like I am adult too. It's a nice feeling.

Is it bad though?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I could have loved you

This is a letter to the person I could have loved.

I could have loved you. Sometimes you come into my building and I hear you talking in the hall on the phone or in the little room in the corner. I see you pass by, or your name on someone's Facebook, or a photo and I freeze. Completely. I know I made a terrible mistake in the way that I treated you and the way things ended up. I owe you more than an "I'm sorry" and more than an explanation. I am guilt ridden and ashamed of my actions but I lay in the bed I made.

The truth is I was, and still am afraid. I am afraid that I can never be a person who is totally in love with God. I do not feel chosen, I do not feel pursued, I make mistakes that I believe are too big to just "make white as snow". Because of this, I felt like I do not deserve you. Perhaps one day I will be able to comprehend that God's grace is bigger than my life. It is one thing to know a concept, it is another to understand and accept that same concept.

I imagine that life could have been easier. You are stronger than me and would have tried to lead me in the right direction. You would have had patience. You, at the time, already encouraged me and listened. You were perfect, smart, funny, reliable, and did what you said you would when you said you would... and I felt like I could never have lived up to that. I'm erratic. I'm not punctual, I listen to all types of music, I get obsessed with learning something for awhile and then completely abandon the project, I lose touch with people, I can never find my keys or my cell phone, and I'm an emotional roller coaster mid-month, and I am almost never on track.

Oh, and one more thing. You were right. I have a really hard time letting go of things.

It was never a choice between you or him. You are the type of man that parents want their daughters to find and marry. And I am sure that will happen to you. He is the person that I fell in love with and even though the knowledge that giving him another chance could be a huge mistake and end just as tragically as the first time, I had to. I would have never been able to let myself love you when in the back of my mind I believe that he is the person that I wanted to be with, truly. It would have never been fair to you. I couldn't do that. I thought I was sure. I thought I could go through with moving on with my life because it was the right thing to do. But I was wrong. Boy was I ever wrong.

Balancing a life is not an easy thing to do. Lately I have learned so many things about myself that I have never known before because I have started to give myself space to make mistakes and learned to slow down. I have striven to be the perfect, faultless person that everyone seems to want me to be in this life but I have felt like a fraud while living up to those expectations. Unfortunately this extended into our friendship almost-relationship. I wanted to be someone that deserved you, and I wasn't.

The man I love now is someone that hasn't always treated me the best. I know this. I know that my life, at times, has been harder because of my relationship with him. I know that I may have made the wrong choice. But I made a choice.

When I think about this I shudder because I really did like you, and I know eventually, I would have fallen in love with you because that is what I do.

I am sorry that I hurt you and that we may never speak again. It hurts me too. I think that you were a little bit of a jerk towards me when you told me that girls like me turn guys like you into assholes though. I don't want you to be an asshole. Please, don't let me do that to you. Don't be cold.

I cannot ever actually give you this letter. I am too afraid. I think this letter is vulnerable and doesn't change anything. It is selfish that I believe that I am getting what I deserve as long as you believe that I am not a good person.

I'm not, by the way. I've tried, and tried, and tried, and failed.

The person I am with now is working on himself and with me to make our relationship better and work. He wants it to work. He is trying, actually trying, opening up to me, and not letting go. If this go awry this time, I know it is not because he doesn't love me, but because it isn't meant to be. We have our battles and little spats and even the big issues... but I am happy because we are working on them together.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I don't know what it is about Mat Kearney

Mat Kearney is always making me cry. Every album he releases has at least one or two songs that really hit home with me and I listen to repeat and cry my little heart out until I feel better.
This album's is "Ships in the Night", number two on his album Young Love.

He's really a talented artist. I started listening to him before I became a Christian and sort of just filtered out the references like I did with all other music with Christian undertones. A close friend at the time, Matt (haha), led me towards the song "Girl America" and a few others that I listened to regularly throughout high school and shared with my closest friends.

I was having a pretty bad night tonight. It is my Monday and there isn't much to do. I downloaded Young Love and then it wouldn't work on my Android! So I had to reset my phone and it finally works... and now I am really enjoying this music as I get through the rest of my night.


Here is the link to the Amazon album:


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fall Classes

I have been working towards taking the EMT-B course at SCC this fall. My initial intention was to be able to get a job at a hospital or with an ambulatory company so I don't have to work at Eastern anymore. My five dollar classes are awesome, but I hate cleaning for a living. I want to be doing something that actually helps people.

Traveling to another country has been on my heart a lot lately too. I am now more motivated to get my EMT certification so I can travel to another country and help out for a summer. I am considering this program: http://www.abroaderview.org/volunteers/ghana/ . There is also one in Tanzania that looks promising.

My heart absolutely breaks when I spend too much time thinking about the sick and poor in the world without basic access to things like good nutrition and clean water. I am well aware that my own country is suffering too and there are people that are more than willing to jump up and tell me that I should stay here and help the sick and poor in my own country. Honestly, I don't know that I could do that with a good conscience. After all, I genuinely believe that it is my purpose to go around the world helping those who need it, possibly even forsaking family, relationships, etc. for God and the healing that he can do through the education I will receive. I know to a lot of people that sounds crazy, but to me, it feels right, like when you lay in your own bed after a long trip away from home. Helping other people is my home. It is my warm bed.