Thursday, March 24, 2011

High School Prom

... Ok I am little old to be attending a high school prom.

When I was a junior in high school my boyfriend at the time, Avery, invited me to his prom at Pope John Paul the II Senior High School. (Our relationship lasted a week. I was terrible. If you ever read this Avery, I am so so sorry...) There was this girl, Jennie, who was attending the prom with her boyfriend who I was hanging out with a lot shortly before they got back together. Drama drama drama. All I remember is my step-mom laughing because Jennie came down from college to attend the high school prom with her boyfriend. Poor girl, she just wanted to spend time with him. And her dress was smokin' hot. She made it herself!

None of this is the point. Getting ready for prom was a blast. The prom itself was alright. I don't remember much besides sitting at a table and giving Jennie compliments even though she hated me. I remember doing my hair and makeup and getting ready and putting this beautiful corsage on that Avery's mom had purchased for us. There are pictures online somewhere.

The same went for when I was a senior... except I was on my own to fund the prom. My parents didn't really have the money for me to go out and get my hair and my nails done like all the other girls, much less buy a really expensive dress and a limo and all that. My school had received donations from various local businesses that donated corsages/boutonnieres, nails, hair, etc. I got the gamut. I found TWO beautiful dresses for free from the donation piles, I got jewelery that was donated, my nails done (and I got out of school for that one), my hair done, and my college boyfriend came down to see me for it. My prom was perfect. After prom we went to the beach and hung out there. It was beautiful. It was an excellent ending to high school. My fairytale prom happened because some nice people donated their time and money to making the night memorable.

I got to thinking lately that this may not be true at every high school. What about my local high school, Cheney High? Do girls and guys get the same opportunities that I got in Venice, Florida? I called the other day to find out and they returned my call this morning. Tomorrow I will be contacting their senior adviser to see what they have in place and if I can help. I would love to volunteer my time (since I sell mark. makeup and can do the girls' makeup if they would like) or help procure donations from local businesses to make the night memorable. Heck, I'd even buy a couple pairs of tickets to the dance to donate to a couple who otherwise couldn't afford the prom.

I was also thinking about doing a demonstration about what a drunk driving car accident could look like if teens on their night out decided to drink and drive. (Or just drink period.) Fire departments sometimes will do demonstrations and I think it would be a fantastic idea to get them involved. Not only would they get practice but the kids would get a valuable life lesson. Bueno. I will be contacting them after I get the go-ahead from Mr. Adviser at CHS.

My heart is swelling just thinking about being pro-active in my community. So much for my heart break!

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