Monday, May 16, 2011

Sucker Punch'd

"You have all the weapons you need. Fight."


I went to see Sucker Punch tonight with Donny. If the film-makers intended on making me feel terrible, they succeeded.

If you add up all the terrible things that can be done to women, starting with not listening to them, throwing in rape, murder, prostitution, and just generally being pushed around, you have the recipe for Sucker Punch. I have to admit the movie was aptly named... since it certainly left me feeling like I just was emotionally sucker-punched.

If there were teenage boys in the audience I think they would be squirming in their seats with infatuation over the scantily clad girls yielding weapons in video-game-esque fantasy girl scenes. My friend disagrees with me and believes that teenage girls who are video-game obsessed would enjoy the film more.

I think you get the picture though - with names like SweetPea and BabyDoll and Blondie... this movie was NOT about strong female heroines. It objectified the girls in the movie and honestly, made me feel horrible. I felt bad for the characters, mad because of the injustice, and even when the happy ending came, I still was left with that horrible vomit taste in my mouth that no amount of fluids can wash away.

ugh. Maybe I should check the movies I watch out more before I actually spend money to see them. Thankfully it was only 3.50.

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