Sunday, June 26, 2011

Leading myself out

Young adults are always told that we should not rush into anything because we have not "found ourselves" yet. I have come to realize that many of my impetuous decisions stem from actually not knowing what I want out of this life, and in turn, finding new things that I like or hate depending on what new trend I decide to be obsessed with for awhile. All my friends are getting married and having kids, getting their college degrees, following God (and making it seem easy), and just going about their lives. There are times when I want to do just what they are, but most of the time I find that all I really want to do is travel around the country and read books and meet new people. Sure, my dream to be a medical professional is very important to me, but it isn't everything. Life is a lot more than a career and kids. I do not want to be stuck here forever. (here being washington.) Some days I just want to sell all my stuff, buy a car, and gtfo of this state. Me and music and the free road, meeting and getting to know new people... And writing again. My writing has become base and uninteresting. My style has faded into simple sentences and has no voice or flair. I read old papers and journal entries and am sad because I had talent, and then I just quit. I quit and became a text-facebook junkie. My vocabularly dropped to an all time low and since I do not have a computer and my hand cramps writing long hand, I just quit. Maybe it is time to move on after all.

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