Monday, April 11, 2011

Moses' Time

I was reading in Deuteronomy tonight and it dawned on me that people in Moses' time didn't have an entire Bible to reference for their lives with God. I'm certain most of them had to rely on word of mouth and trust that these decrees and laws set forth were from God and weren't just from some crazy man who claimed to be a leader and wanted power.

I feel fortunate that I live in a society where I have full access to God's word and can use it to strengthen me and revive me when I am weak. Why has this never occurred to me before tonight? I have this incredibly powerful story at my fingertips in all forms (there are at least six-ten Bibles in this apartment, four of which are mine) and on my new cell phone... there is no excuse for me to not be in the Word.

I remember in my first year of Christianity there was this woman, Nicole, who taped verses to her steering wheel to memorize during the week. She would have a new one each week. I want to do something like that... except I don't have a steering wheel to tape my verses. I have this paper from a Chi Alpha meeting awhile back that has all these references to places in the Bible to read when you are dealing with different issues (i.e. discouragement, sexual immorality, anger, etc). I hope to memorize one each week until I can recall them right away when I need to. I have never actually committed myself to memorizing scripture because I have never really found it useful. Lately, I have felt the deep desire to get into the word more often and seek to understand it better. I must say it interesting coincides with hanging out with some fantastic people who have been having a positive influence on me lately.

I think I am ready to start getting over myself and moving on towards the plan that God has for me. Honestly, I have no idea how it is going to happen because most of the time the things that God wants me to do seem incredibly impossible and difficult. Things I cannot do on my own.... I guess it is a good thing I have an all-powerful God on my side.

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