Thursday, September 15, 2011

Class starts next week!

I officially start my EMT B course next week. I've been reading the textbook for awhile now and I hope that I have a pretty good grip on the material and the class will be a little easier since I have read some of the text. I am nervous to be taking it at the fire station where my boyfriend works since there will be firefighters that he will be working with in the class and I don't want the people to be all "oh that's Ben's girlfriend, blah blah blah". Mostly I just don't want HIM to get the pressure of it either.

The chipmunk died, by the way.

All the roommates are moved in now. They are really great girls. It is the complete opposite of the way that it was last year. I rarely wanted to come home because of the way that I felt that I was being judged by all of the girls that I lived with and that they were going to say snide things.
This year I feel like there is honesty with these girls. I feel like there is real love and that it is a nurturing environment. I will grow this year in this environment. It is grand. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I found a chipmunk!

Well, my coworkers did. It was in the main public room that we use here for large functions. They went in to clean in and the chipmunk was laying on the rug, not moving. It's eyes were still closed and it was breathing so I took it and put in in a bucket with some warm cloths. I hope it lives!
Ben bought some pedialyte and a dropper to feed it and i looked up how to care for the little bugger online.
Tomorrow I hope to be able to take it to vet or release it into the wild soon!
It's a cute little thing!